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15. Feb. 20245 Min. Lesezeit
Bärbucha Kombucha Specials (2024)
Single-tea Kombucha specials add quite a variety to our standard Kombuchas which we have all year round. These specials usually run for...
394 Ansichten0 Kommentare
3. Aug. 202314 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha Health Benefits.
Are there any? And if so, what exactly are they? A time has come to tackle this topic. But first a toast to your health! Cheers, Prost...
809 Ansichten0 Kommentare
1. Juli 20233 Min. Lesezeit
Du bist was Du isst. Die Ernährungs Podcast von Grüne
Kombucha: Alles über den fermentierten Teegenuss inkl. Anleitung zum Selbermachen. Link zum Grüne Link zum Podcast Teil 1:...
792 Ansichten0 Kommentare
19. Mai 20234 Min. Lesezeit
Other notable single-tea Bärbucha Kombucha specials (2023)
Besides our staple Kombucha that we offer in three different lines (Classic, Premium and Special lines), we also offer a variety of...
564 Ansichten0 Kommentare
15. März 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Keemun Black Bärbucha Kombucha
Keemun Black is one of our favorite black teas to make Kombucha with. Teapedia describes it as following: "Keemun is a black Chinese tea...
448 Ansichten0 Kommentare
14. Feb. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Milk Oolong Bärbucha Kombucha
Oolong teas are always exciting to make Kombucha with. This one was no exception. Milk Oolong (also Milky Oolong) or better known as Jin...
607 Ansichten0 Kommentare
2. Feb. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Yellow Sun Bärbucha Kombucha
Yellow Sun is a Chinese tea belonging to a rare category of yellow teas. The other tea categories include the following: white teas,...
464 Ansichten0 Kommentare
22. Nov. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
"...visiting Kombucha legends in Berlin".
This is a re-post from KBI's Facebook page. KBI or Kombucha Brewers International is a non-profit trade association of commercial...
801 Ansichten0 Kommentare
18. Okt. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Honeybush Bärbucha Kombucha
An absolutely delicious kombucha, which also happens to be caffeine-free. We have made it before, and we fell in love with it. It is made...
560 Ansichten0 Kommentare
4. Sept. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Kabusecha Bärbucha Kombucha
This is our second foray into Japanese teas. The first one was with Genmaicha tea. Kabusecha (冠茶) or Kabuse + cha (tea) is a first flush...
511 Ansichten0 Kommentare
7. Aug. 20225 Min. Lesezeit
Wie viel Zucker hat unser Bärbucha Kombucha?
Die Antwort auf diese Frage scheint einfach zu sein, ist aber doch ziemlich komplex aufgrund der natürlichen Beschaffenheit unseres...
992 Ansichten0 Kommentare
31. Juli 20225 Min. Lesezeit
How much sugar is in our Bärbucha Kombucha?
The answer to this question would seem to be easy, but because of the nature of our Kombucha, it is a bit complicated. But, we'll get...
679 Ansichten0 Kommentare
9. Mai 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Dong Ding Bärbucha Kombucha
Here's yet, another excellent Oolong, as our special. Super delicious Dong Ding from Taiwan. We have used two different varieties of Dong...
452 Ansichten0 Kommentare
16. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Mi Lan Xiang Bärbucha Kombucha
Mi Lan Xiang (米蘭香) is one of the better known Dan Congs. The name translates into Honey-Orchid aroma, as this is the main characteristic...
460 Ansichten0 Kommentare
14. Apr. 20228 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - Fermentation
Now that we have water, tea, sugar and the culture in place, it's time to write about the fermentation process. But before we can ferment...
1.327 Ansichten0 Kommentare
5. Apr. 20228 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - SCOBY
The fourth and final ingredient that helps transform the sweetened tea into Kombucha - Kombucha culture AKA Kombucha SCOBY. SCOBY is an...
1.408 Ansichten0 Kommentare
24. März 20229 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - Water
Water. One of the five elements of Nature. Essential for life. A huge component of our biological body. Yet, quite often neglected or...
1.127 Ansichten0 Kommentare
17. März 20226 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - Sugar
Sugar is just as important as tea, for Kombucha fermentation. Without sugar, there would be no Kombucha. For many people sugar is just...
1.419 Ansichten0 Kommentare
1. März 202212 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - Tea
Tea is essential for the traditionally brewed Kombucha. By tea, we obviously refer to the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Tea is...
1.214 Ansichten0 Kommentare
21. Feb. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Kombucha 101 - Introduction!
In this Kombucha 101 series, I will write about the importance of all the individual ingredients which are traditionally used to make...
1.105 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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