This Ginger Kombucha was a part of our Classic line up for the first couple of years.
We don't make it any more, as we have concentrated on single tea Kombuchas.

Although this Kombucha was quite popular, we stopped making it after Ginger Kombucha started showing up in every German producer's portfolio.
The original blog entry is here though, as a fine memory of our Kombucha journey.
This one is also a one of our most popular varieties of Kombucha. And that's because ginger as a flavor is very popular - just take Ginger Beer, or Ginger Ale as two examples.
Ginger is also very medicinal and quite often it is consumed as a tea.
There's plenty of information about amazing health benefits of ginger.
Just some of them are mentioned below by

Since we love ginger, and since it adds additional health benefits to our Kombucha, our decision was simple.
Ginger was one of our first "flavors" when we started in May of 2015.

Here's one of the vintage photos of our Ginger Booch.

In order to make it, we use the same teas as we use for our Classic Bärbucha Kombucha.
So, it's a mixture of green and black teas.
As with all of our Kombuchas, we use unrefined brown sugar which is BIO (Organic), and filtered and revitalized water.
To that we add BIO ginger pieces, and that is our simple recipe for success.
When the fermentation process is complete, it is time for bottling:

After bottling comes the second fermentation which creates those lovely and natural bubbles.
And when that is complete, our Ginger Kombucha looks like this:

In addition to the 350 ml bottles pictured above, we also sell sell this Kombucha in 1 Liter bottles, but these are only available at our Kombucha Cafe - Café Bärbucha.

And since this is also one of our favorites, we take it along with us when we travel:

Or when we escape Berlin to spend some time in the nature.

Ingredients: Filtered and Revitalized Water, Live Kombucha Cultures, BIO Unrefined Brown Sugar, BIO Green and Black Tea, & BIO Ginger

Cheers! Prost and Na zdrowie!
Disclaimer: All medical information in this post is merely information & not advise. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional.