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Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha

Autorenbild: Tadeusz Tadeusz

Aktualisiert: 18. Juli 2023

Jiaogulan Kombucha is yet another exceptional Kombucha.

Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha
Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha

Jiaogulan is an herb from TMC. It has a bitter flavor which we love.

Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha Etikett

Jiaogulan has been enjoyed traditionally over thousands of years as a tea. And that is how we make it.

When you briefly steep Jiaogulan, it has a nice sweet flavor:

In order to extract more beneficial components out of it, we steep it for at least an hour.

By doing that the flavor changes, and it goes from sweet to slightly bitter.

But pleasant bitter.

So after steeping, we mix in our unrefined sugar, then we add one lucky Bärbucha Kombucha Scoby, along with with some starter liquid.

From this moment the journey begins.

The fermentation of Jiaogulan Kombucha is always quite active. More active than any other Kombucha.

This indicates that there are substances in the plant which activate the yeasts, and put them into an overdrive.

But surprisingly, it does not become more alcoholic. Only the sugar gets eaten a lot faster.

So this Kombucha is always drier than all of our other Kombuchas.

You can see this better on the pic above, where there's a lot more bubbles, and those bubbles are bigger than in our other brews.

But Scobies love it, and despite the hyper-active fermentation, they create a new growth on top of the Scoby.

After we take the Scoby out and after we strain it, our Kombucha goes into retail bottles.

And then it undergoes the F2 to build up the natural carbonation.

Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha zum Kaufen
Lebendiger Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha

An extra bonus!

When you visit our Kombucha Café in Berlin, you can read a wonderful book about the Jiaogulan herb (available in two languages).

Jiaogulan Bärbucha Kombucha zum genießen

Ingredients: Filtered and Revitalized Water, Live Kombucha Cultures, Unrefined Brown Sugar, and Jiaogulan

To find out more about Jiaogulan, please click here: Jiaogulan

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