Here's the current list of our Bärbucha Kombucha (2018).
It is grouped in 3 categories: Classic, Premium and Special.
Classic line is a line well suited for Kombucha beginners.
Premium section has Kombucha made with single teas. It also contains Kombucha made with Cascara (outer shells of a coffee bean) and Guayusa (a cousin of Yerba Mate).
There's also a Hong Cha Bärbucha Kombucha, which was made at the end of December and we are aging it for about 6 more months.
That is the reason that it not available till June 2018.
Hong Cha is a high quality Chinese tea that is considered to be a Red Tea.
The last category is called: Special.
And the Kombuchas here are also quite special.
They are all made with ingredients that have medicinal properties on their own.